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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Monday, July 3, 2017

Happy 4th of July

The 4th of July means two important things for me: 
1) My son-in-law Austin's birthday and 
We will be at this event to help wherever needed.  Please pray we stay strong through the heat, minister God's love to His people and have FUN doing it!


We loved yesterday's Sunday service at Franklin Avenue Baptist Church!  Such a vibrant culture there!  After some beignets at Cafe du Monde, we helped the Center of Jesus the Lord and Ozanam Inn help serve dinner and hope to many men who are homeless. It's amazing how much a genuine smile or word of encouragement can go.
Today we're getting ready for a continuation of family sharing and we're cooking up a storm!

Karen:  Paise God that Trachelle and I had a wonderful time together yesterday. Praise God that the men at Ozanam Inn were so receptive and thankful for us being there to help serve them dinner.  Pray God for the joy of fellowship that Wes, Richard and I are sharing here!  Please pray for those coming to the Bible Study tonight!  That they be yielded to the Holy Spirit's mighty work within them!!

Richard:  Praise God that for His knowledge to help me find the way and I'm thankful for His helping me to do my best.  Please pray that I can do what God needs me to do and for Him to show His way to me.

Wes:  Praise God that the team is healthy, that we blend in so well with the various ministries we are assisting here.  Praise God that Karen and Richard have the trust and peace as our plans evolve every day. Please pray for our physical strength tomorrow as we have a full day of ministry at Feed the Multitudes!  We'll be outside ministering to thousands. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

We Always Love Sunday in New Orleans!

But first about the Desperate Reality Street Rescue last night. Two full vans of incredible Jesus followers went out under the freeways and into neighborhoods in search of those who have lost their way, lost their hope or somehow got trapped into substance addiction.  Amidst the squalor, walked men and women in a search for people whom God loves.  I was in awe at the incredible love and tenderness of the team members as they poured out Jesus' love to many.  Karen was part of a team at the radio station that prayed us through.  As we went from site to site, some people responded. Some received prayer. One man, through tears, agreed to accept a van ride to the Rescue. Although this was Richard's first time on a rescue, he was a natural!

Today, we are attending Franklin Avenue Baptist Church for Sunday service and we will assist The Center of Jesus the Lord church in a meal outreach at the Ozanam Inn shelter.

Karen says "Praise God that things went well last night and one man, Durrell, came into the Rescue mission last night! I was blessed to be at the radio station with the wonderful saints."
Please pray that we would see the opportunities God puts in front of us today! His blessings on the ministries and services today.

Richard praises God that he's growing spiritually and doing His work.  Please pray that the Lord shows me through His Word to do his work no matter what it is and to continue to grow spiritually.

We praises God that we have had so much peace and joy as we minister day and night!  Please pray for physical strength for the team and for continued health and openness to do God's will.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Getting Ready for Saturday Night's Rescue in Downtown New Orleans

We had a wonderful day and night yesterday with Hy & Libba!  Wes has worked with them through 21 mission trips and what dear friends they are!  Thank you, prayer warriors, for praying for Hy's healing from his severe bronchitis - he's beginning to feel better! It was a wonderful time ministering to the ministers.

We are getting spiritually ready for tonight's Desperate Reality Homeless Rescue on the streets of downtown New Orleans from 10pm-midnight.  Richard and I will be riding along with experienced teams in vans, while Karen will be doing intercessory prayer in the radio studio.

Picture from our 2016 Desperate Reality outreach.
Desperate Reality is a unique program of the New Orleans Mission and the Giving Hope Retreat. The purpose of the program is to provide immediate help to people in desperate situations willing to make hard changes in their lives.  
The street ministry is just part of the Saturday, 10pm-midnight event, as there is a live broadcast and call-in radio show at the same time.  Please listen, if you can.  

Here's the link:
then click the red "listen" button in the upper right corner.
Listener discretion is advised.  It can get pretty raw!
In regards to the evening outreach, please pray for:  divine appointments for the road teams, God's physical and spiritual protection for those who minister on the streets and counsel in the studio (including Hy), a willingness for people to respond to offers of help.

Praise Reports and Prayer Requests:
Karen: Praise God that while we were with Hy and Libba, God worked!  It was a time of opening up from our pasts and receiving healing.  Please pray: for the Desperate Reality Program tonight and the ones who go out from the New Orleans Rescue mission to bring others off the streets onto the road of recovery.That the saving Gospel message goes out to these people and in His time they receive Christ.

Richard: Praise God that I'm still here every day!
Prayer request: that God gives me the strength and wisdom to do His work and His Word and His teaching to me to become more like Jesus. 
Wes: Praise God for special people like Hy & Libba who clearly reflect God in what they do, no matter the cost.  They are such incredible nurturers!  Prayer Requests:  For God's protection on my family while I minister here.  Seriously!  


Friday, June 30, 2017

Ministering to the Ministers today

Good morning!  We woke well rested this morning, to the sound of kids playing and singing at the Vacation Bible School at our host church haven. 
Last night we led the dinner chapel service at the New Orleans Rescue Mission, where about 150 men and women overnight guests were gathered.  It went awesome!
Each of us connected with the dear souls gathered.  Karen went first and as began to share about hope, she put her paper down and just let the message come out! Richard shared the hope he has found, having once been homeless himself.  We wove in some Scriptural encouragement and perspective.
God wastes nothing!  All our tough times can become connecting points to minister to others in the same situations.  When we, with God's help, start breaking free, that testimony can give powerful evidence of desperately needed hope.  2 Cor 5:14-20= "14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God."
Chapel lasts one hour and that seemed to go by in just a few minutes!
Thank you, prayer warriors, for praying us through!

Praise Reports and Prayer Requests for Today:

Richard:  Prayer request for Ray, his dear friend back in Delevan recuperating from surgery, has had a mild stroke and a problem with blood clots in the hospital.  The hospital staff have caught each complication.  Praise report from yesterday: "I thank God for having me here to encourage and help others in the strength of the Lord. I'm probably going to say that every day from now on."

Karen: Prayer request that the Lord give us discernment on which project(s) we are to work on in ministering to Hy & Libba (our main ministry partners since 2003) today.  Praise God that we are able to have the time today to work with Hy & Libba!@

Wes:  Prayer request for spiritual insight and wisdom to best encourage and strengthen our dear, dear friends.  Praise report:  Praise God that Karen had God's strength and confidence during chapel to put down her script and speak with the Spirit's leading!  Richard was a complete natural wherever we go, but specially at the Rescue Mission.  His phenomenal one-on-one skills and talents were on full power last night.  In fact, we couldn't find him he was at one moment with someone inside, then outside.  You should see the glow in both their eyes!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Tonight's Ministry - New Orleans Rescue Mission Chapel Service

We've seen the large number of people checking out our mission blog and we say, "God bless you!"  Tonight's ministry is doing the chapel service before dinner.  Karen, Richard and I have been preparing today for the service (as well as firming up lots of things for the rest of the mission.)
Please pray that the Holy Spirit anoints each of us as we share testimonies and God's Word.  Also, please pray that the love of God fills us and those we will minister to.

The main theme we plan to share tonight is HOPE!

"One who has been touched by grace will no longer look on those who stray as 'those evil people' or 'those poor people who need our help.' Nor must we search for signs of 'love worthiness.' Grace teaches us that God loves because of who God is, not because of who we are."  Philip Yancey

Good morning!

Life down here is slower and we're trying hard to do that.  Just kidding! We're taking things easy waking up and going with the flow.  Almost all our scheduled ministries for the trip are at night.

Prayer Requests
Richard - "for more compassion everywhere, even for me", for friend Ray who had surgery yesterday. To make a difference here in New Orleans.
Karen - God's healing for Mr. Hy (bad bronchitis) and for Jeff Intersoll through Tres Dias who got sick on mission in Africa and is now back home sick.
Wes - For God's protection on my family back home.   For the team to catch the Divine appointments
God sets up for us.

Praise report from Karen - That He is working in me.  I am seeing that these children work in different ways then I am used to . I just handle things as I am used to, God is at work, teaching me how I need to change and adapt!
Praise report from Richard - So grateful to be here. Please pray I give what I'm supposed to be and get what God wants me to have.  All for His glory!
Praise report from Wes - SO good to be back here and reconnecting with dear friends and ministry partners.
Praise Report from Traechelle - I thank God for Richard - even though it's his first mission trip, he jumped right in and helped people of different generations. He was wonderful with each person!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

We're on the Mission Field!

Karen came early to town this past Sunday - that's the eager attitude to have!  Richard and Wes flew into town this afternoon and headed right to our main ministry partners, Hy & Libba McEnery's home and ministry center.

When Wes and Richard arrived, kids and adults (maybe 20 or so in all)were already there waiting for our arrival.  Karen worked a craft with the kids before dinner. After a delicious meal including crawfish pasta, Karen and Miss Libba took the kids into another room for Bible Study while Wes took the adults for one of the best interactive studies he's seen in years! The adults asked if we could do another night like this before we have to head home.

Prayer Requests:  Hy McEnery has severe bronchitis and is in great need of healing.  The team asks prayers for discernment on the many divine appointments that God has for us each and every day!

Coming Next:  We will work tomorrow morning on crafting a one hour chapel service that we will lead Thursday night before dinner at the New Orleans Rescue Center.  Please pray the Spirit will give us insights and inspiration for this crucial ministry.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Our Tentative Mission Schedule

Changes will occur as we follow the Spirit's direction and adapt to the needs of those we serve!
Here are some known ministries:

June 28 - Wes and Richard arrive in New Orleans.  Karen will have been there since Sunday.
June 29 - New Orleans Rescue Mission Dinner Chapel service.
July 1 - Desperate Reality Outreach 10pm-Midnight.  More at
July 2 - Food outreach for the homeless at Ozanam Inn.
July 3 - Pre-event evening rally and prayer service for Feed the Multitudes.
July 4 - All Day outreach at Feed the Multitudes! More at
July 6 - Flights home.  We are bringing Traechelle Carr back with us!  Traechelle has joined with our mission team ever since we met her in 2003!  Traechelle will be staying in our area till July 8th!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Mission Team Roster!

Our 2017 Mighty Mission Team:
Pastor Wes Slawson
Karen Williams
Richard Kloster